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45-Min Consultation (45分钟咨询)

Programs assessment &legal issues签证移民评估,案件分析

  • 45 min
  • 199 Canadian dollars
  • Online meeting视频会议

Service Description

Assessing program eligibility, analyzing case scenario AND answering questions. This is ONLINE consultation. This is good for those who are clear about their directions or want to know whether they are eligible for that one or two immigration programs. This is NOT application review. You may send us document(s) to help assess your eligibility. The initial consultation fee is FULLY credited upon retaining our services for immigration application within 90 days after consultation. The price is inclusive of applicable taxes. 咨询可以包括:项目评估,案件分析以及回答问题。这比较适合那些知道自己的方向,需要深入了解自己是否适合那个项目的条件,以及该如何提高满足条件。 咨詢通過網上進行。 如果不知道移民项目,需要介绍及了解多个项目,评估及规划,咨詢后如果没有结束,可以再预约1個小時咨詢。增加的咨询费为每半小时100加币。 请注意这不是完整文件审核。 如果您认为有相关文件可以帮助评估,可以提供额外文件。 价格含税。

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